Summer is in full (rope) swing and I hope you all are getting to enjoy it a bit. I have spent the last few weeks enlisting help in order to move my business out of its infancy/toddler phase and into its surly adolescent phase. Like any parent of any teen will tell you, it takes a village. Lucky for me I surround myself with good company.
With the help of CEI Women's Business Center https://www.ceimaine.org/advising/business/womens-business-center/ and some friends who know way more than me about marketing and business, I am working on revamping my website and business plans.
Here is my ask even though I feel a little sheepish about doing so....
If you have either completed a Storied interview, or given it as a gift to someone, could you write a few sentences about your experience?
A few things:
*I will be using these testimonials on my website and social media so if you participate it would be made public.
*If you don't want your name attached, just let me know and I will leave it off. I can also do first names only.
If you are still game, here is the form to fill out:
For a friendly reminder that toddlers also take a village and are adorable, please enjoy the cutest Storied hat model in town:

Thank you for helping me as I work to meet my Storied developmental milestones slowly but (semi)surely!