My dad used to jokingly say, "Patience is a virtue but not a very important one." He was known to lose his cool over a late newspaper delivery or getting stuck in traffic. Yet he could patiently put time into a crossword puzzle, a book, or a bridge game. I guess patience can take many forms. Give me traffic with a podcast over a crossword puzzle any day.
Over the last few months, I have had the pleasure of recording some wonderful conversational interviews. The editing of those interviews has taken me longer than usual and longer than I would like.
Thank you to those that are waiting for your finished product. I am working on getting them turned around to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to record something with me but need a quick turnaround time, just reach out to me and we can discuss options.
I have one more round of this current chemo next week (woo hoo) and hoping that once I am up and running again by the end of October, I will be able to get in some uninterrupted editing time and get final products delivered to folks.
I have surgery scheduled for early November the results of which will determine the rest of my treatment to follow. Not sure how virtuous I am but I am working hard to be patient with it all.
While my health stuff has put a wrinkle into my current plans, it has done nothing to distract me from how much I love running Storied. Every time I sit down with someone, I am reminded of what a gift it is to listen and learn from your stories. A gift that I will patiently wait for more of.