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Tuesdays with Storied

This newsletter will give you a sense of what Storied is, the value of recording your stories, gift ideas, different package options, and any new happenings.

Storied compilation gift:

One option for a Storied recording is a compilation gift for a retirement, anniversary or milestone birthday. Complete several brief interviews with friends, family members, or work colleagues that will be compiled into a longer Storied gift.

Shorter form interviews are an efficient way to use stories to illustrate the impact someone has had on your life.

This clip from a longer retirement compilation gift is a welcome reminder about the power of role models and the influence we have on each other in a work setting:

If you are looking for a meaningful gift for a work colleague that is retiring, consider letting me take some of the work off of your plate. Give me the names and contact information for people you want to be interviewed and I will do the rest.

They say if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. I love doing these types of interviews so go ahead and put me to work.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions or a new idea for a recording you have in mind!

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